Absent from Duty | Absent without Leave | Disciplinary Consequences

absent from duty

Absence from Duty

As the word ‘absence from duty’ itself speaks that anyone who makes himself absent to report on duty.

It is voluntary but not beyond individual's control.

What is absence from duty ?

Every Organization has own conduct rules for their employees. Every employee has to report to his place of working or office at the scheduled time.

If any employee fails to report at the scheduled time, superior officer may show the employee absent from duty.

With regard to Government Employment, Central Government as well as State Government or Public Section Undertakings have their own leave policy and conduct rules to deal with unauthorized absence.

Ingredients of absence from duty

The following are the essential ingredients:-

(a)   Absent from duty

(b)   Without prior permission or intimation to superior.

(c)   Without reasonable grounds

(d)   With approval of leave application by competent authority.

Effect of unauthorized absence

If an employee has not taken prior permission from competent authority before absence. Disciplinary Authority will consider it unauthorized absence.

The effect of unauthorized absence is an invitation of disciplinary proceedings.

Action by Disciplinary Authority

Disciplinary Authority will initiate the following actions when any employee becomes absent without proper permission.

(a) Issue of charge sheet

(b) Ordering Departmental Inquiry

(c) Passing Penalty Order

Regularization of Absence by Leave

If Disciplinary Authority feels that the absence was genuine with reasonable grounds, the disciplinary authority can regularized absence as leave with pay or without pay as deemed fit.

Legal Aspects on Absent from Duty

The following legal aspects are settled by various courts on absent without leave and its consequences.

(a)   Enquiry and Notice is necessary before taking any action against employee.

(b)   No termination order can be passed without holding proper enquiry of the misconduct.

(c)   Every statutory provision to be complied with whichever is applicable.

(d)   There is no automatic abandonment of service by employee. Disciplinary authority should pass termination order only after holding proper enquiry.

(f)    Compliance of Principle of Natural Justice.

(g)    If there is not statutory provision or standing order to proceed further then role of principle of natural justice comes to play.

(h)    If the absence is genuine with reasonable grounds, Disciplinary Authority must consider before passing any order.

(i)     If competent authority is planning to initiate termination of temporary employee on account of misconduct, enquiry is necessary.