property law

Every Citizen should aware about local property law and registration process of particular State. 

Property Law 

Property litigations like partition agriculture land and plot and other disputes have increased in last few years. 

Our team having civil matter experts for providing consultancy in all type of property matters.

Transfer of Property Act, 1882

Transfer of Property Law means Transfer of Property Act, 1882, which deals with sale deed, agreement to sale of property etc. 

Agriculture Property Dispute Law

We see the land disputes between farmers on their agriculture property which requires consideration under Rajasthan Tenancy Act. 

Our legal team members are fully undated about Civil & Property Law Matter Judgments which help them to serve better. 

How to get stay on plot 

Only best property Lawyer in Supreme Court can deal with property matters in supreme Court at Delhi.  

Whenever anyone seeks stay on plot or property during the pendency of Civil Suits in order to safeguard interest in property.

Individual should file civil suit with stay application along with civil suit in order to get stay on plot.  

If the Civil Court found the case prima facie supported by evidence, in such situation court can passed stay order on plot/ Land.

What is Agreement to Sale 

Agreement to Sale is the agreement by which seller promises to buyer to sale the plot or land decided consideration. 

What is Sale Deed

Sale Deed is a Deed by which seller transfer his rights over property to buyer and buy will requisite stamp duty submit for registry before Sub-Registrar.  

Action after reusing for registry by Opposite party

If seller refuse to execute registry in favour of buyer within stipulated time fixed in the agreement to sale. 

Buyer should issue a legal notice to seller and subsequently file a civil suit under Specific Relief Act, 1963.

What is illegal Possession on Property

Illegal possession on Property is possessing over any property or plot where that person has no legal title of property but possessing the property. 

Aggrieved can challenge High Court Judgment in Supreme Court on Property Disputes through Supreme Court Advocate in Delhi.